Executive Director of ZETOR DEFENCE
A civilian career allows me to use the wealth of experience gained over 45 years of military service. I strive to make ZETOR DEFENCE a solid and respected business partner with an ever-expanding portfolio of products and services.
Vice President of AOBP CR
At the same time, I am the Vice President for Strategic Planning of the Association of Defence and Security Industry of the Czech Republic (AOBP), which brings together companies engaged in research, development, production, sales and marketing of defence and security equipment, materials and services.
Viceprezident Asociace obranného a bezpečnostního průmyslu ČR (AOBP)
Jako viceprezident AOBP zodpovědný za tvorbu strategie tuzemského obranného průmyslu mám na starosti především jednání s představiteli českých zbrojovek a podporu jejich účasti na modernizačních projektech AČR.
President of the Jockey Club of the Czech Republic
As the President of the Jockey Club, the highest authority of turf in the Czech Republic, I coordinate, manage and all-round support the racing operation and breeding of the English Thoroughbred.